
Liberia 1 was used in the elections held after the First Civil War. Liberia 2 has been utilized since the conclusion of the Second Civil War. Elections were not held between 1985 and 1997, or between 1997 and 2005.

Liberia 1 (1997)
Voters cast a single ballot for a presidential candidate that was also linked to a closed party list for the House of Representatives. The 64 seats were distributed according to the largest remainder system of proportional representation with a Hare quota in a single national constituency. See the page on Namibia for an example of the use of the electoral system. The legal threshold to receive a seat equaled a Hare quota, or 1.56% of the vote.

Source: Matthias Basedau, “Liberia” in Dieter Nohlen, Michael Krennerich and Bernhard Thibaut, eds., Elections in Africa (New York: Oxford University Press 1999), 511.

Liberia 2 (2005-)
Liberia has elected the House by the single-member plurality electoral system since 2005. The following table shows the number of constituencies in each county. The number of constituencies is linked to a map. Though the maps were different for 2005 and 2011, the boundaries did not change except where the number of constituencies increased. A map of Liberia’s counties appears below the table.

County 2005 2011, 2017
Bomi 3 3
Bong 6 7
Gbarpolu 3 3
Grand Bassa 4 5
Grand Cape Mount 3 3
Grand Gedeh 3 3
Grand Kru 2 2
Lofa 4 5
Margibi 4 5
Maryland 3 3
Montserrado 14 17
Nimba 7 9
River Cess 2 2
River Gee 3 3
Sinoe 3 3

Source: National Elections Commission, Republic of Liberia.

Counties of Liberia

LR Counties-d